This designer deeply believes that all bodies are beautiful. I say all bodies are beautiful knowing that each of us is born so full of unbelievable beauty and power. I started my fashion brand to help people reconnect with their own inner power. Right now, Black bodies are under attack (and have been for generations) so I cannot say “All bodies are beautiful” without also screaming 'BLACK LIVES MATTER!”
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10 Ways to Style the Artifice Harness

I'll admit I haven't been fully styling myself every day while quarantined. And I miss it. While sequestered in my thermal leggings and puffy vests, I decided to stretch my styling muscles by putting together a fun style guide digitally. We are doing everything digitally/virtually these days, so this felt quite natural. #quarantinelife y'all.

I created ten different fully styled head-to-toe looks and all of them incorporate one of my very favorite pieces in the shop: the Artifice Harness

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